I first passed through Panama on a trip from Mexico to Chile. Earmarked the country to come back had no idea it would be for the long haul.

After finishing my IMBA I got into the import/export field. I focused on Mexico then liquidated a business to travel and wound up in Tokyo. After my contract job there was finished, I got the chance to return to Panama with a Singapore Company. I set up a supply chain in 2004 exporting teak from Panama to India. I still never expected to stay in Panama until a friend and I decided to try our luck in real estate starting in 2005.

In August of 2006 I acquired the land that is now Lago Bay. I used my professional sourcing skills. Working with a bus driver that knew a certain cantina operator produced an indirect line of communication to a man on a horse that rode up to my tropical bungalow behind Jammin Pizzeria that I used as a provisional office. We made the deal and shook hands. Lago Bay was born.

Marciano, the original land owner prior to Lago Bay.

Access to what is now Lago Bay and Catalina's Hideaway before culverts, and tons of material. Just to get from the road to the property was a challenge.
In 2006, Lago Bay had very limited access. My 4X4 got stuck several times just trying to make it from the street to the finca. There was no water, no electricity, no lakes....basically zero infrastructure. We had to barrel in creek water and crank up an electric generator to make the first structure...a little rancho. The soil was completely degraded from the cows and pesticides. Before any sort of lakes and drainage...the place looked a little rough. I had friends and potential investors visit that didn't think there was much upside to the venture. A real shit hole. I decided to make my stand.
Everyone in life should make a stand. Experience is important. Experience, in my opinion, should include travel, fun, experimentation, spontaneity, and a good sense of humor. The other side of the ledger needs discipline, concentration, determination and general will power. At some point, the ledger needs to balance at a point of production. A magnum opus of creating...something both tangible and intangible. Heavy equipment can be a paintbrush. Houses construed as stories. Lakes, airstrip, trees, roads, electric lines and flowing water as critical components of the orchestra. Lago Bay is the magnum opus. A tiny corner of the world, more and more productive and sustainable for many years to come.

Riding down towards today's airstrip.

Original administration building of Lago Bay.

Today's Coconut Field 1

Today's Catalina's Hideaway

Tequila the horse in front of present day Tiger Lake.

The original Kitchen

Where the duplex (North Villa - South Villa) now stands

chipping away. Lessons never taught in school.